So when I was working at a restaurant in Chicago (shoutout Farm House) one of the bussers was in town for the summer from Ireland. He told us that he and all his friends have matching pizza tattoos and that it was his DREAM to get a “dumb American” to get one too. Well since I’m dumb, American and love pizza, I said…. why not. Unfortunately the placement of said pizza is NSFW, so I can’t show that here BUT it was my first tattoo ever and started me on this wild journey.
Then while working a weekend on a pitch, my partner and I were spent, so she wanted to get a tattoo. I joined along and immediately got jealous. The only thing we could think of getting was another pizza but like that’s weird to only have two pizzas on your body. Like why two? So at that very moment, I decided to make a lil game of it and get a full pie of pizza tattooed around my body. Yes, all 8 slices. Because that is how my brain works.